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See how the Telerik RadWordsProcessing can be integrated in MVC ... You can upload Word(docx), RTF, HTML or plain text document and convert it to PDF . ... </ div > < div class="document-content-wrapper"> < div id=" preview -template"> ...

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Create and Print PDF in ASP . NET MVC | DotNetCurry
27 Oct 2017 ... To do so, the report has to be converted into PDF by exporting it to a stream ... NET MVC 5 with Visual Studio 2015 or the Community Edition.

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There s one design pattern that fits nicely into Web Part development more than others: the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) pattern. This pattern has been used since the early 1990s. In 2006, Martin Fowler split MVP into two separate patterns: the Passive View and the Supervising Controller. The MVP term is still widely used and implies one of the two updated patterns. Building Web Parts using the MVP pattern differs from what you may be used to. If you ve been in the ASP.NET business, you might be familiar with the Model-ViewController (MVC) pattern, from which MVP is derived. An MVP-based Web Part requires additional coding and a separation of the business logic from the WebPart class implementation. That way, the work can be distributed among team members, and it allows for better testing of the layers independently.

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Exporting a PDF -file with ASP . NET MVC - Stack Overflow
With a FileContentResult: protected FileContentResult ViewPdf(string pageTitle, string viewName, object model) { // Render the view html to a ...

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ASP . NET Web APIs | Rest API's with .NET and C# - Microsoft
Build secure REST APIs with C# that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. Build and deploy on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {

Systemoutprintln("Cannot create URL for: " + filename);


13.2.1 The Passive View pattern The MVP pattern is a user interface design pattern that decouples the user interface (View) from the business logic (Presenter) and from the domain/data layer (Model).

Document d = new Document();

try {


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Tutorial: Create a web API with ASP . NET Core MVC | Microsoft Docs
3 Feb 2019 ... This tutorial teaches the basics of building a web API with ASP . NET Core . In this tutorial, you learn how to: Create a web API project. Add a ...

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How to export the PDF pages to images in ASP . NET MVC (Classic ...
27 Jan 2016 ... //Creating new instance for PdfViewerControl. PdfViewerControl viewerControl = new PdfViewerControl();. //Loading the PDF document from ...

The different pieces can be tested individually with or without one another and optionally using mock (fake) objects. The MVP pattern not only makes unit-testing easier but also facilitates code reuse. For instance, the same Model and Presenter can be used for different user interfaces, such as a Web Part, a page, or a Silverlight application. In addition, decoupling enables different developers to build different pieces, independently. That way, you can use the appropriate type of developer for the right task; user interface developers can build the views, and so on. The basics of the MVP pattern is that the View is responsible for the user interface and is defined using an interface that acts as a contract for the Presenter. All actions in the user interface are forwarded to the Presenter, which is responsible for updating the View through the interface. The presenter uses the Model to access the domain, data, or underlying systems. The Passive View variation of the MVP pattern is the cleanest version of the two. As you can see in figure 13.3, the View forwards user actions to the Presenter, which updates the View through the interface. The Presenter uses information from the Model to update the View. The Presenter optionally responds to events fired in the Model if the Model is updated by someone other than the Presenter. The View is totally unaware of the Model. This decoupled pattern allows you to test the Presenter and Model independently. As always, the user interface is difficult to unit-test, but the Presenter can be replaced with a mock object that makes it easier to manually test the interface.

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Create and Download PDF using itextsharp MVC 5 - Angular ...
16 Jan 2018 ... How To Create Download PDF using itextsharp MVC 5? //Create and Download PDF using itextsharp MVC 5. //how to convert html to pdf with ...

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Create A PDF File And Download Using ASP.NET MVC - C# Corner
2 Aug 2017 ... In this article you will learn how to create a PDF file and download it using ASP. NET MVC . ... Now let's start creating our method for pdf creation .

Chief Architect and member of the IT Steering Committee of a premier subprime mortgage bank based in San Diego, CA Responsibilities include the creation of an Enterprise Architecture for the organization based on the Zachman Framework, creating position papers for elements of the IT Strategy and a Business IT Alignment plan, procuring software solutions from IT vendors, evaluating current and future project roadmaps, leading onsite IT development projects in a Project Architect role, and evaluating IT project proposals Analyzed the subprime mortgage banking business and did a comparative study of employer and a competitor, and then presented findings to the Director of Enterprise Architecture Provide standards and guidelines for technology platforms, business process automation, enterprise SOA, and business IT alignment Assumed the dual role of Project Architect and IT owner to lead a major project to facilitate securitization of loans using a Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit Activities included making presentations of the Solution Architecture to business stakeholders and IT Leadership to get the project funded, providing the detailed technical design and leading a team of developers, business analysts, QA and system administrators to implement the project Solution Architect, Blue Ribbon Insurance, San Diego, CA Feb 02 Dec 04

catch (ParseException e3) {

dreportError(e3, Systemout);

if (d != null) {

To test the user interface of a SharePoint application you can use the Coded-UI tests available in Visual Studio Premium or Ultimate editions.



return true;

Compared to a user interface component built using a single class, this pattern introduces a higher level of complexity, both in number of files and method calls. But at the same time, early testing and a clear separation of layers means that errors are discovered earlier in the process.

void doTree(Element elem)

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MVC iTextSharp Example: Convert HTML to PDF using iTextSharp ...
19 Jul 2017 ... MVC iTextSharp Example: Convert HTML to PDF using iTextSharp in ASP. ... The HTML of the Grid sent from the View is extracted from the ...

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Create web api for PDF Service | ASP . NET MVC Edition - GrapeCity
Discussion of topic Create web api for PDF Service in ASP . NET MVC Edition forum. ... Replied 23 October 2018, 5 :59 pm EST. Hi Andrew,

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   Copyright 2019. Provides ASP.NET Document Viewer, ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer, ASP.NET PDF Editor, ASP.NET Word Viewer, ASP.NET Tiff Viewer.