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nets, rows of bright lights suggesting a dressing room mirror, and even vaulted ceilings, with ornate carvings and tiles trimming the work A Walgreens soda jerk dressed in white pressed pants, an apron, white dress shirt, tightly knotted bow-tie, and a white cloth hat would ask, How re you doing with the kind of energy that gave you a little boost and would then take your order He d work the brass taps to draw you a Coca-Cola, or he would mix you a malt in shiny steel blenders along the wall and pour your treat into fluted, crystal clear glasses, specially designed for this purpose And that s where Coulson was born to work Like so many Walgreens cognescenti, Coulson started at the chain s second store, a star of the Chocolate Annex, 1914 Coulson was a natural behind the counter, the kind of guy who could engage whoever sat down at his soda fountain young or old, rich or poor like a seasoned bartender Coulson loved it when the traveling vaudeville stars stopped in while taking a break from their work at the theaters nearby Coulson would laugh at their jokes and then pass them on to his customers But Pop Coulson made his greatest contributions at the controls behind the counter Some people have green thumbs for making plants grow or a knack for making cars hum Coulson had a natural affinity for the soda fountain and a love for creating new concoctions with all the goodies available behind the counter In the 1920s, many drugstores served malts, which consisted of milk, chocolate syrup, and a spoonful of malt powder, all mixed in a metal container and served in a fancy glass But on an especially hot summer day in 1922, Pop Coulson hit upon his eureka invention and added a quintessential item to the American culinary repertoire in the process To the tried-and-true malt recipe, Coulson added a generous scoop of Walgreens famous Double Rich Ice Cream (manufactured in its own plant on East 40th Street in Chicago), then a second scoop, stirred it together in the mixer, and served it with two vanilla cookies (from the company bakery) on the side all for just 20 cents The milkshake was born!.

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P {Xm+1 = j | Xm = k}P {Xm = k} pkj k = j ,

An important question is: does the Markov chain have an equilibrium distribution, and if it has, is this equilibrium distribution unique The answer to this question is positive when Assumption 331 is satis ed Theorem 332 Suppose that the Markov chain {Xn } satis es Assumption 331 Then the Markov chain {Xn } has a unique equilibrium distribution { j , j I } For each state j , 1 n n lim

independently of the initial state i Moreover, let {xj , j I } with be any solution to the equilibrium equations xj =

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Then, for some constant c, xj = c j for all j I The proof of this important ergodic theorem is given in Section 35 It follows from Theorem 332 that the equilibrium probabilities j are the unique solution to the equilibrium equations (335) in conjunction with the normalizing equation j = 1



Using elementary results from renewal theory, we have already seen from the proof of Theorem 331 that for any state j , the long-run average number of visits to state j per time unit = j with probability 1

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when the process starts in state j Under Assumption 331, the interpretation (339) can easily be shown to hold for each starting state i I (this is obvious for a transient state j and, by Lemma 358, a recurrent state j will be reached from each initial state X0 = i after nitely many transitions with probability 1) The proof of Theorem 331 also showed that j = 1 jj for each recurrent state j, (3310)

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where jj is the mean recurrence time from state j to itself The interpretation (339) is most useful for our purposes Using this interpretation, we can also give a physical interpretation of the equilibrium equation (335) Each visit to state j means a transition to state j (including self-transitions) and subsequently a transition from state j Thus the long-run average number of transitions from state j per time unit = j and the long-run average number of transitions from state k to state j per time unit = k pkj This latter relation gives the long-run average number of transitions to state j per time unit =

By physical considerations, the long-run average number of transitions to state j per time unit must be equal to the long-run average number of transitions from state j per time unit Why Hence the equilibrium equations express that the long-run average number of transitions from state j per time unit equals the longrun average number of transitions to state j per time unit for all j I The simplest way to memorize the equilibrium equations is provided by the following (n) (n) heuristic Suppose that limn pij exists so that j = limn pij Next apply

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the heuristic reasoning j = P {X = j } =

P {X = j | X 1 = k}P {X 1 = k} (3311)

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Reading Contents From PDF , Word, Text Files In C# - C# Corner
8 Nov 2017 ... In this section we will discuss how to read text from PDF files . ... reference ( iTextSharp.dll) to project. http://sourceforge. net /projects/itextsharp/.

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